L'invariant de Suslin en caractéristique positive
L'isomorphisme entre les tours de Lubin-Tate et de Drinfeld : Decomposition cellulaire de la tour de Lubin-Tate
L'isomorphisme entre les tours de Lubin-Tate et de Drinfeld : demonstration du resultat principal
L'isomorphisme entre les tours de Lubin-Tate et de Drinfeld au niveau des points
L'Univers a grande echelle: Les grandes structures et leur formation
L'Univers né du vide.
L'utilità di una teoria inutile-Crittografia, firma digitale e teoria dei numeri
L(R) absoluteness under proper forcings
L- and LL-Chondritic Models of the Chemical Composition of Io
L- and M-structure in lush spaces
l-Adic representations associated to modular forms over imaginary quadratic fields
L-alpha intensity in coronal streamers
L-Band Ionosphere Scintillations Observed by A GNSS Receiver Array at HAARP
L-chondrite asteroid breakup tied to Ordovician meteorite shower by multiple isochron 40Ar-39Ar dating
L-Connections and Associated Tensors
L-convex-concave sets in real projective space and L-duality
L-cumulants, L-cumulant embeddings and algebraic statistics
L-Divergence Consistency for a Discrete Prior
L-embedded Banach spaces and measure topology
L-factors and adjacent vertex-distinguishing edge-weighting