Face Numbers of Certain Cohen-Macaulay Flag Complexes
Face numbers of cubical barycentric subdivisions
Face numbers of generalized balanced Cohen-Macaulay complexes
Face numbers of pseudomanifolds with isolated singularities
Face pairing graphs and 3-manifold enumeration
Face ring multiplicity via CM-connectivity sequences
Face rings of complexes with singularities
Face rings of simplicial complexes with singularities
Face vectors of flag complexes
Face vectors of simplicial cell decompositions of manifolds
Face vectors of subdivided simplicial complexes
Face-based Selection of Corners in 3D Substructuring
Faces and bases: Boolean intervals
Faces and bases: Dehn-Sommerville type relations
Faces of generalized cluster complexes and noncrossing partitions
Faces of Generalized Permutohedra
Faces of platonic solids in all dimensions
Faces of polytopes and Koszul algebras
Faces of weight polytopes and a generalization of a theorem of Vinberg
Facets of the (s,t)-p-path polytope