f-Vectors of 3-Manifolds
f-vectors of Simplicial Posets that are Balls
f-Vectors of Triangulated Balls
F. John's stability conditions vs. A. Carasso's SECB constraint for backward parabolic problems
F1=schemes and toric vaieties
F2-Layer Behavior Modelled With Coupling From the Lower Atmosphere
F4 Algorithm For Euclidean Rings
F5C: a variant of Faugere's F5 algorithm with reduced Groebner bases
Faa di Bruno Hopf algebras
Faà di Bruno subalgebras of the Hopf algebra of planar trees from combinatorial Dyson-Schwinger equations
Faa di Bruno's formula for Gateaux differentials
Faber polynomials and Poincaré series
Faber-Krahn inequality for Robin problem involving p-Laplacian
Faber-Krahn Type Inequalities for Trees
Faber-Krahn type inequality for unicyclic graphs
Face algebras and unitarity of SU(N)_L-TQFT
Face enumeration - from spheres to manifolds
Face numbers of 4-Polytopes and 3-Spheres
Face numbers of centrally symmetric polytopes from split graphs