B-stable ideals in the nilradical of a Borel subalgebra
B-sub-manifolds and their stability
B-sub-modules of Lie(G)/Lie(B) and Smooth Schubert Varieties in G/B
B-type olivine fabric in the mantle wedge: Insights from high-resolution non-Newtonian subduction zone models
B2(II): Cosmology (ii). Late Universe and Gravitational Lenses
B2III:. the Cosmological Constant
B3-VLA sample. IV: 74MHz flux densities (Mack+, 2005)
Ba II strength of barium stars (Gomez+ 1997)
Baby universe theory.
Baby universes and making the cosmological constant zero
Baby universes with induced gravity.
Baby Verma modules for rational Cherednik algebras
Baccharane (18,19-secolupane): A rare triterpenoid skeleton widespread in Triassic sediments and petroleum from the Adriatic Basin
Bach-flat asymptotically locally Euclidean metrics
Bach-flat gradient steady Ricci solitons
Bachet's Problem: as few weights to weigh them all
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