(G,m)-multiparking functions
(GL(2n,C),SP(2n,C)) is a Gelfand Pair
(GL(n+1,F),GL(n,F)) is a Gelfand pair for any local field F
(Hopf) Algebra Automorphisms of the Hopf algebra ${\check U}^{\geq 0}_{r,s}({\mathfrak sl_{3}})$
(In-)Stability of Singular Equivariant Solutions to the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equation
(Infinity,2)-Categories and the Goodwillie Calculus I
(Ir)Reducibility of some commuting varieties associated with involutions
(k+1)-sums versus k-sums
(k,m)-Catalan Numbers and Hook Length Polynomials for Plane Trees
(k,r)-admissible configurations and intertwining operators
(kappa,theta)-weak normality
(l,k)-Routing on Plane Grids
(m,n)-Semirings and a Generalized Fault Tolerance Algebra of Systems
(Metrically) quarter-stratifiable spaces and their applications in the theory of separately continuous functions
(Micro)morphological, inorganic-organic isotope geochemisty and microbial populations in endostromatolites (cf. fissure calcretes), Haughton impact structure, Devon Island, Canada: The influence of geochemical pathways on the preservation of isotope biomar
(Modified) Fredholm Determinants for Operators with Matrix-Valued Semi-Separable Integral Kernels Revisited
(Multiplicity-free) Skew Schur functions with interval support
(n+1)-Ary derivations of simple Malcev algebras
(n+1)-Ary derivations os semisimple Filippov algebras
(n,m)-Strongly Gorenstein Projective Modules