A Bernstein-type inequality for suprema of random processes with an application to statistics
A Bernstein-Von Mises Theorem for discrete probability distributions
A Bernstein-von Mises theorem in the nonparametric right-censoring model
A betting interpretation for probabilities and Dempster-Shafer degrees of belief
A Bivariate Competing-Risks Model with One Termination Event
A central limit theorem for adaptive and interacting Markov chains
A central limit theorem in the $β$-model for undirected random graphs with a diverging number of vertices
A Characterization Based On Products of Order Statistics
A characterization of ARMA and Fractional ARIMA models with infinitely divisible innovations
A Class of Generalized Hyperbolic Continuous Time Integrated Stochastic Volatility Likelihood Models
A class of optimal tests for symmetry based on local Edgeworth approximations
A class of Rényi information estimators for multidimensional densities
A class of statistical models to weaken independence in two-way contingency tables
A class of unbiased location invariant Hill-type estimators for heavy tailed distributions
A classical measure of evidence for general null hypotheses
A closed-form approximation for the median of the beta distribution
A cluster identification framework illustrated by a filtering model for earthquake occurrences
A companion for the Kiefer--Wolfowitz--Blum stochastic approximation algorithm
A Comparison of Information Concerning the Regression Parameter in The Accelerated Failure Time Model under Current Duration and Length Biased Sampling: Does it Pay to be Patient?
A comparison of statistical models for short categorical or ordinal time series with applications in ecology