The limit distribution of the maximum increment of a random walk with regularly varying jump size distribution
The limiting behavior of some infinitely divisible exponential dispersion models
The linearity condition and adaptive estimation in single-index regressions
The local geometry of finite mixtures
The local power of the gradient test
The Log-Linear Group Lasso Estimator and Its Asymptotic Properties
The Loss Rank Principle for Model Selection
The marginalization paradox and the formal Bayes' law
The Mathematics of Phylogenomics
The method of moments and degree distributions for network models
The minimax risk of truncated series estimators for symmetric convex polytopes
The Minimum of the Entropy of a Two-Dimensional Distribution with Given Marginals
The Missing Mass Problem
The multi-armed bandit problem with covariates
The needlets bispectrum
The Noise-Sensitivity Phase Transition in Compressed Sensing
The Normalized Graph Cut and Cheeger Constant: from Discrete to Continuous
The penalized profile sampler
The performance of a two-stage analysis of ABAB/BABA crossover trials
The Poisson Compound Decision Problem Revisited