The empirical process in Mallows distance, with application to goodness-of-fit tests
The empirical process on Gaussian spherical harmonics
The ensemble of random Markov matrices
The Ewens process on spaces of even and balanced partitions
The exact distribution of the sample variance from bounded continuous random variables
The existence of maximum likelihood estimates in the Bradley-Terry model and its extensions
The extremogram: A correlogram for extreme events
The False Dilemma: Bayesian vs. Frequentist
The False Discovery Rate for Statistical Pattern Recognition
The Geometry of Nonparametric Filament Estimation
The Geometry of Statistical Models for Two-Way Contingency Tables with Fixed Odds Ratios
The Hannan-Quinn Proposition for Linear Regression
The Hough transform estimator
The Hyperanalytic Wavelet Transform
The Importance of the Range Parameter for Estimation and Prediction in Geostatistics
The KL-UCB Algorithm for Bounded Stochastic Bandits and Beyond
The Lambert Way to Gaussianize skewed, heavy tailed data with the inverse of Tukey's h transformation as a special case
The LASSO for generic design matrices as a function of the relaxation parameter
The LASSO risk for gaussian matrices
The limit distribution of the $L_\infty$-error of Grenander-type estimators