Statistical topology via Morse theory, persistence and nonparametric estimation
Statistically dual distributions and estimation of the parameters
Statistics of extremes by oracle estimation
Statistics of extremes under random censoring
Statistics of statisticians: Critical mass of statistics and operational research groups in the UK
Stein Block Thresholding For Image Denoising
Stein Estimation for Infinitely Divisible Laws
Stein estimation for the drift of Gaussian processes using the Malliavin calculus
Stein Shrinkage and Second-Order Efficiency for semiparametric estimation of the shift
Step-up simultaneous tests for identifying active effects in orthogonal saturated designs
Stepup procedures controlling generalized FWER and generalized FDR
Stepup procedures for control of generalizations of the familywise error rate
Stochastic analysis on Gaussian space applied to drift estimation
Stochastic apportionment
Stochastic Bandit Based on Empirical Moments
Stochastic blockmodels with growing number of classes
Stochastic comparisons of stratified sampling techniques for some Monte Carlo estimators
Stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motions
Stochastic expansions using continuous dictionaries: Lévy adaptive regression kernels
Stochastic kinetic models: Dynamic independence, modularity and graphs