Moments of Sums of Independent and Identically Distributed Random Variables
Monitoring Procedures to Detect Unit Roots and Stationarity
Monomial ideals and the Scarf complex for coherent systems in reliability theory
Monotone spectral density estimation
Monotonicity in the Sample Size of the Length of Classical Confidence Intervals
Monotonicity properties of the asymptotic relative efficiency between common correlation statistics in the bivariate normal model
Monte Carlo likelihood inference for missing data models
Monte Carlo maximum likelihood estimation for discretely observed diffusion processes
Moving from Data-Constrained to Data-Enabled Research: Experiences and Challenges in Collecting, Validating and Analyzing Large-Scale e-Commerce Data
Multi-armed bandit problem with precedence relations
Multi-task Regression using Minimal Penalties
Multichannel Boxcar Deconvolution with Growing Number of Channels
Multidimensional trimming based on projection depth
Multifractal scaling of products of birth--death processes
Multilayer Perceptron with Functional Inputs: an Inverse Regression Approach
Multiple Hypotheses Testing For Variable Selection
Multiple integral representation for functionals of Dirichlet processes
Multiple local whittle estimation in stationary systems
Multiple Multidimensional Morse Wavelets
Multiple Objects: Error Exponents in Hypotheses Testing and Identification