Inference by Conversion
Inference for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Gaussian symmetric matrices
Inference for mixtures of symmetric distributions
Inference for Multivariate Normal Mixtures
Inference in HIV dynamics models via hierarchical likelihood
Inference in nonparametric current status models with covariates
Inference in Perturbation Models, Finite Mixtures and Scan Statistics: The Volume-of-Tube Formula
Inference on Eigenvalues of Wishart Distribution Using Asymptotics with respect to the Dispersion of Population Eigenvalues
Inference Under Convex Cone Alternatives for Correlated Data
Inferences from prior-based loss functions
Inferring an optimal Fisher measure
Inferring dynamic genetic networks with low order independencies
Inferring Markov Chains: Bayesian Estimation, Model Comparison, Entropy Rate, and Out-of-class Modeling
Inferring Rankings Using Constrained Sensing
Infinite Viterbi alignments in the two state hidden Markov models
Infinitely exchangeable random graphs generated from a Poisson point process on monotone sets and applications to cluster analysis for networks
Influence tests I: ideal composite hypothesis tests, and causal semimeasures
Information bounds and efficient estimation in a class of censored transformation models
Information bounds for Cox regression models with missing data
Information bounds for Gaussian copulas