Generic identification of binary-valued hidden Markov processes
Geodesic Normal distribution on the circle
Geometric isomorphism and minimum aberration for factorial designs with quantitative factors
Geometric Representations of Hypergraphs for Prior Specification and Posterior Sampling
Geometric sensitivity of random matrix results: consequences for shrinkage estimators of covariance and related statistical methods
Geometric View of Measurement Errors
Geometry of diagonal-effect models for contingency tables
Geometry of maximum likelihood estimation in Gaussian graphical models
Geometry of rank tests
Global identifiability of linear structural equation models
Global self-weighted and local quasi-maximum exponential likelihood estimators for ARMA--GARCH/IGARCH models
Global testing under sparse alternatives: ANOVA, multiple comparisons and the higher criticism
Global uniform risk bounds for wavelet deconvolution estimators
Globally optimal parameter estimates for nonlinear diffusions
Goodness of fit statistics for sparse contingency tables
Goodness of fit statistics for sparse contingency tables
Goodness of fit test for ergodic diffusion processes
Goodness of fit test for small diffusions by discrete observations
Goodness-of-fit test for noisy directional data
Goodness-of-fit testing and quadratic functional estimation from indirect observations