Estimation in autoregressive models with Markov regime
Estimation in Dirichlet random effects models
Estimation in functional linear quantile regression
Estimation in Functional Regression for General Exponential Families
Estimation in semiparametric spatial regression
Estimation non-paramétrique de la densité spectrale d'un processus gaussien échantillonné aléatoirement
Estimation of (near) low-rank matrices with noise and high-dimensional scaling
Estimation of a $k$-monotone density: limit distribution theory and the spline connection
Estimation of a Covariance Matrix with Zeros
Estimation of a discrete monotone distribution
Estimation of a function under shape restrictions. Applications to reliability
Estimation of a k-monotone density, part 1: characterizations consistency, and minimax lower bounds
Estimation of a probability in inverse binomial sampling under normalized linear-linear and inverse-linear loss
Estimation of a probability with optimum guaranteed confidence in inverse binomial sampling
Estimation of a semiparametric contaminated regression model
Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model
Estimation of a sparse group of sparse vectors
Estimation of anisotropic Gaussian fields through Radon transform
Estimation of AR and ARMA models by stochastic complexity
Estimation of bivariate excess probabilities for elliptical models