Bayesian Predictive Densities Based on Latent Information Priors
Bayesian predictive densities for linear regression models under alpha-divergence loss: some results and open problems
Bayesian quickest detection problems for some diffusion processes
Bayesian recovery of the initial condition for the heat equation
Bayesian Regression of Piecewise Constant Functions
Bayesian semi-parametric estimation of the long-memory parameter under FEXP-priors
Bayesian shrinkage prediction for the regression problem
Bayesian test of normality versus a Dirichlet process mixture alternative
Bayesian transformation hazard models
Bayesian variable selection for high dimensional generalized linear models: convergence rates of the fitted densities
Bayesian-motivated tests of function fit and their asymptotic frequentist properties
Baysian inference via classes of normalized random measures
Benford's law from 1881 to 2006
Bernstein Polynomials and n-Copulas
Bernstein Von Mises Theorem for linear functionals of the density
Bernstein von Mises Theorems for Gaussian Regression with increasing number of regressors
Berry-Esseen bounds for general nonlinear statistics, with applications to Pearson's and non-central Student's and Hotelling's
Besov priors for Bayesian inverse problems
Best attainable rates of convergence for the estimation of the memory parameter
Best subset selection, persistence in high-dimensional statistical learning and optimization under $l_1$ constraint