A Functional Version of the ARCH Model
A Functional Wavelet-Kernel Approach for Continuous-time Prediction
A general asymptotic scheme for inference under order restrictions
A general definition of influence between stochastic processes
A general dynamical statistical model with possible causal interpretation
A General Family of Estimators for Estimating Population Mean Using Known Value of Some Population Parameter(s)
A General Framework for Sequential and Adaptive Methods in Survival Studies
A general moment bound for a product of Gaussian vector's functionals and a central limit theorem for subordinated Gaussian triangular arrays
A general semiparametric Z-estimation approach for case-cohort studies
A general theory of minimum aberration and its applications
A general trimming approach to robust Cluster Analysis
A generalization of the integer linear infeasibility problem
A generalized Fourier approach to estimating the null parameters and proportion of non-null effects in large-scale multiple testing
A generalized portmanteau test of independence between two stationary time series
A Generic Random Number Generator Test Suite
A geometric characterization of $c$-optimal designs for heteroscedastic regression
A goodness-of-fit test for bivariate extreme-value copulas
A goodness-of-fit test for parametric and semi-parametric models in multiresponse regression
A kernel type nonparametric density estimator for decompounding
A Kiefer--Wolfowitz comparison theorem for Wicksell's problem