The uniform controllability property of semidiscrete approximations for the parabolic distributed parameter systems in Banach spaces
The use of Grossone in Mathematical Programming and Operations Research
The value of Repeated Games with an informed controller
The Variational Calculus on Time Scales
The Virtual Private Network Design Problem with Concave Costs (Oberwolfach abstract)
The VPN Tree Routing Conjecture for Outerplanar Networks
The Wiener maximum quadratic assignment problem
The \infty eigenvalue problem and a problem of optimal transportation
Theorical and Numerical Analysis of the Rapid Pointwise Stabilization of Coupled String-Beam Systems
Theory and Applications of N-Fold Integer Programming
Theory and Applications of Robust Optimization
Theta Bodies for Polynomial Ideals
This is SPIRAL-TAP: Sparse Poisson Intensity Reconstruction ALgorithms - Theory and Practice
Tight estimates for convergence of some non-stationary consensus algorithms
Tilt stability, uniform quadratic growth, and strong metric regularity of the subdifferential
Time Allocation of a Set of Radars in a Multitarget Environment
Time and spectral domain relative entropy: A new approach to multivariate spectral estimation
Time consistent portfolio management
Time Optimal Attitude Control for a Rigid Body
Time Optimal Return of a Dynamic Object