The Residual Method for Regularizing Ill-Posed Problems
The ring grooming problem
The Role of Singular Control in Frictionless Atom Cooling in a Harmonic Trapping Potential
The Second Euler-Lagrange Equation of Variational Calculus on Time Scales
The Separation Principle in Stochastic Control, Redux
The simplest examples where the simplex method cycles and conditions where EXPAND fails to prevent cycling
The Smallest Enclosing Ball Problem and the Smallest Intersecting Ball Problem: Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions
The solution infinite horizon noncooperative differential game with nonlinear dynamics without the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation
The solution of the global controllability problem for the triangular systems in the singular case
The sphere and the cut locus at a tangency point in two-dimensional almost-Riemannian geometry
The Split Common Null Point Problem
The squares of the Laplacian-Dirichlet eigenfunctions are generically linearly independent
The stochastic goodwill problem
The structured distance to ill-posedness for conic systems
The time optimal control problem with control constraints of the rectangular type for a class of ODEs
The Top-Dog Index: A New Measurement for the Demand Consistency of the Size Distribution in Pre-Pack Orders for a Fashion Discounter with Many Small Branches
The transversality conditions for infinite-horizon optimal control problem with a free right endpoint and the stability of the adjoint variable (in Russian)
The transversality conditions in infinite horizon problems and the stability of adjoint variable
The Triangle Closure is a Polyhedron
The truncated K-Moment problem for closure of open sets