Stable Outcomes For Contract Choice Problems
Stable schedule matchings by a fixed point method
Stasis Points and Approximating Two-Cycles
State estimation for dynamical system described by linear equation with uncertainty
State space realization of even generalized positive and odd rational function. Applications to static output feedback
State-estimators for chemical reaction networks of Feinberg-Horn-Jackson zero deficiency type
State-Space Controller Design for the Fractional-Order Regulated System
Static Arbitrage Bounds on Basket Option Prices
Static skew-symmetric output feedback control
Statistics of incomplete quotients of continued fractions of quadratic irrationalities
Steering laws for motion camouflage
Step size adaptation in first-order method for stochastic strongly convex programming
Stochastic Asymptotic Stabilizers for Deterministic Input-Affine Systems based on Stochastic Control Lyapunov Functions
Stochastic control up to a hitting time: optimality and rolling-horizon implementation
Stochastic convergence of random search to fixed size Pareto set approximations
Stochastic convex optimization with bandit feedback
Stochastic Depletion Problems: Effective Myopic Policies for a class of Dynamic Optimization Problems
Stochastic differential games with asymmetric information
Stochastic gradient descent on Riemannian manifolds
Stochastic Interpretation for The Dirichlet-Poisson Problem with Measurable Drift