The Krein-Mil'man Theorem for Metric Spaces with a Convex Bicombing
The Length of a Minimal Tree With a Given Topology: generalization of Maxwell Formula
The level set method for the two-sided eigenproblem
The local Steiner problem in finite-dimensional normed spaces
The Lonely Vertex Problem
The magnitude of metric spaces
The mapping of compact into the set of its Chebyshev centres is Lipschitz in the space l^n_{\infty}
The max-plus Martin boundary
The mean width of circumscribed random polytopes
The mean width of random polytopes circumscribed around a convex body
The Minkowski Theorem for Max-plus Convex Sets
The Minkowskian planar 4R mechanism
The Mobius-Pompeiu metric property
The most inaccessible point of a convex domain
The multiplicative structure on polynomial continuous valuations
The Nature of Length, Area, and Volume in Taxicab Geometry
The net created from the Penrose tiling is biLipschitz to the integer lattice
The nine Morse generic tetrahedra
The Number of Intersection Points Made by the Diagonals of a Regular Polygon
The number of transversals to line segments in R^3