Lack of Sphere Packing of Graphs via Non-Linear Potential Theory
Laminating lattices with symmetrical glue
Laplacian eigenvalues functionals and metric deformations on compact manifolds
Large regular simplices contained in a hypercube with a common barycenter
Large scale detection of half-flats in CAT(0)-spaces
Large Scale Geometry of 4-dimensional Closed Nonpositively Curved Real Analytic Manifolds
Large scale Sobolev inequalities on metric measure spaces and applications
Lattice coverings and gaussian measures of n-dimensional convex bodies
Lattice Embedding of Heronian Simplices
Lattice packings with gap defects are not completely saturated
Lattice Substitution Systems and Model Sets
Les groupes de triangles $(2,p,q)$ sont détermineés par leur spectre des longueurs
Limit Points Badly Approximable by Horoballs
Limitations to Frechet's Metric Embedding Method
Limits of limit sets I
Limits of Voronoi Diagrams
Line problems in nonlinear computational geometry
Line tangents to four triangles in three-dimensional space
Line transversals for homothetical systems of polygons in $R^2$
Line transversals to disjoint balls