Packing points into a unit cube in higher space
Packing-constrained point coverings
Pareto Optimality and Isoperimetry
Partially Paradoxist Smarandache Geometries
Pathwidth, trees, and random embeddings
Perfect Delaunay Polytopes in Low Dimensions
Perfect, strongly eutactic lattices are periodic extreme
Periodic body-and-bar frameworks
Periodic Planar Disk Packings
Periodicity and Circle Packing in the Hyperbolic Plane
Perturbation of self-similar sets and some regular configurations and comparison of fractals
Perturbations of discrete lattices and almost periodic sets
Petrie-Coxeter Maps Revisited
Phase retrieval for characteristic functions of convex bodies and reconstruction from covariograms
Photoelectric polarization maps of two bipolar reflection nebulae
Pinched exponential volume growth implies an infinite dimensional isoperimetric inequality
Planar Clusters
Planar coincidences for N-fold symmetry
Planar Projections and Second Intrinsic Volume
Planar pseudo-triangulations, spherical pseudo-tilings and hyperbolic virtual polytopes