Surface Photometric Properties of HII Galaxies
Surface photometry and mass distributions of spiral galaxies. I - NGC 157. II - NGC 1084 and NGC 7331
Surface photometry in 7 nearby clusters (Fasano+, 2002)
Surface Photometry of NGC 4419
Surface Photometry of Three Spiral Galaxies : ESO 598-G0O9, NGC 1515 and NGC 7456
Surface processes recorded by rocks and soils on Meridiani Planum, Mars: Microscopic Imager observations during Opportunity's first three extended missions
Surface Profiling of Natural Dust Devils
Surface properties of ancient cratered terrain in the northern hemisphere of Mars
Surface Properties of the Mars Science Laboratory Landing Site Gale Crater: Characterization from Orbit and Predictions
Surface Relief and Geographic Distribution of QCDs on the Northern Plains of Mars and Implications Towards Lowland Material Thickness
Surface Relief of Mars
Surface roughness and geological mapping at subhectometer scale from the High Resolution Stereo Camera onboard Mars Express
Surface Roughness Maps of Mars Based on SHARAD Echoes
Surface Roughness, Optical Shadowing, and Radar Backscatter
Surface rupture and mechanism of the Bob-Tangol (southeastern Iran) earthquake of 19 December 1977
Surface scattering properties estimated from modeling airborne multiple emission angle reflectance data
Surface structures and climatology of the planet Mars
Surface subsidence caused by mantle plumes and volcanic loading in large igneous provinces
Surface Temperature Inversions in a Canyon.
Surface temperature of early Earth