Super-Keplerian Oscillation Frequencies in Numerical Models of Accretion Disks
Super-long anabiosis of ancient microorganisms in ice and terrestrial models for development of methods to search for life on Mars, Europa and other planetary bodies
Super-Permeability Zones and the Formation of Outflow Channels on Mars
Superaromatics, the key to a unified cosmic dust theory.
Superatomic Boolean algebras constructed from strongly unbounded functions
Superatomic Boolean Algebras: maximal rigidity
Superbubble VS Supergiant Shell: Comparing the X-ray gas in N44 and LMC-2
Supercomputer Simulations of the Joint Formation and Evolution of Galaxies and Quasars
Superconducting cosmic strings with exotic spacetime
Superconducting transition detectors for low-energy gamma-ray astrophysics
Superconductive circuits for on-FPA IR digital signal processing
Superconductivity at 94 K in HgBa2CuO(4+delta)
Supercritical carbon dioxide and sulfur in the Madison Limestone: A natural analog in southwest Wyoming for geologic carbon-sulfur co-sequestration
Superdestructibility: a dual to Laver indestructibility
Supereruptions as a Threat to Civilizations on Earth-like Planets
Superfield description of the FRW universe
Superfluid 3He-from cosmology to particle detection
Superfluid helium acquisition system development
Superfluid-like turbulence in cosmology
Supergranulation in the Polar Regions Observed by Hinode/SOT