Sudbury project (University of Muenster-Ontario Geological Survey): Origin of the polymict, allochthonous breccias of the Onaping Formation
Sudbury project (University of Muenster-Ontario Geological Survey): Summary of results - an updated impact model
Sudden death at the end of Mesozoic
Sudden Extinction of the Dinosaurs: Latest Cretaceous, Upper Great Plains, U.S.A.
Sudden, considerable reduction in recent uptake of anthropogenic CO2 by the East/Japan Sea
Suevite breccia of the Ries impact crater, Germany: Petrography, chemistry and shock metamorphism of crystalline rock clasts
Sufficient Data Exists to Provide a Unified Physics in 2004
Sufficient Extra Dimensions
Suggested Role of Lysosomal Lipid in the Contrasting Effects of `Triton WR-1339' and Dextran on Tuberculous Infection
Sulfate deposition in subsurface regolith in Gusev crater, Mars
Sulfate Mineral Stratigraphy in Valles Marineris Interior Layered Deposits
Sulfate Mineralogy from Ground-Based Spectroscopy of Mars.
Sulfate minerals and organic compounds on Mars
Sulfate minerals from two Mars analogue sites Rio Tinto and Jaroso Ravine, Spain, investigated by Mössbauer and Raman spectroscopy
Sulfate Minerals, Hematite, and Silica in Craters of the Moon, Idaho Basaltic Lava Tubes: A Potential Analog for Mars
Sulfates on Mars: A systematic Raman spectroscopic study of hydration states of magnesium sulfates
Sulfates, Ferric Oxides and Al-OH Bearing Minerals in Aram Chaos
Sulfide inclusion chemistry and carbon isotopes of African diamonds
Sulfide weathering in the Werenskioldbreen, Spitsbergen - A polar terrestrial analogue for gypsum deposition in the North Polar Region of Mars
Sulfide-rich metallic impact melts from chondritic parent bodies