Sub-kilometer fans in Mojave Crater, Mars
Sub-mesoscale coastal eddies observed by high frequency radar: A new mechanism for delivering nutrients to kelp forests in the Southern California Bight
Sub-mesoscale lateral density structure in the oceanic surface mixed layer
Sub-mJy radio sources complete sample (Masci+, 2001)
Sub-mm direct photometry with large telescopes
Sub-Structure Survival in Galaxy Clusters from N-Body Experiments
Subalgebras of Cohen algebras need not be Cohen
Subaqueous, intermediate to silicic-composition explosive volcanism: a review
Subarcsecond Structure in Nearby AGN
Subarctic Pacific evidence for a glacial deepening of the oceanic respired carbon pool
Subaru Spectroscopy of the Gravitational Lens HST 14176+5226: Implications for a Large Cosmological Constant
Subcompact cardinals, squares, and stationary reflection
Subduction and melting processes inferred from U-Series, Sr Nd Pb isotope, and trace element data, Bicol and Bataan arcs, Philippines
Subduction and terrane collision stabilize the western Kaapvaal craton tectosphere 2.9 billion years ago
Subduction erosion modes: Comparing finite element numerical models with the geological record
Subduction of Asian lithospheric mantle beneath Tibet inferred from models of continental collision
Subduction of continental crust and terrigenous and pelagic sediments: An experimental study
Subduction of North Pacific central mode water associated with subsurface mesoscale eddy
Subduction of Seawater Explains MORB and OIB Compositions
Subduction of South Pacific waters