Study of local time dependence of the attenuation band associated to the Jovian hectometric emission
Study of longterm cosmic-ray variations
Study of magma sources, mantle structure and the differentiation of the earth from variations of Nd-143/Nd-144 in igneous rocks
Study of Optical Emission Associated with Radio Jets and Hot Spots
Study of Optical Emission Associated with Radio Jets and Hot Spots - Cycle 4
Study of Optical Emission Associated with Radio Jets and Hot Spots - CYCLE3MED
Study of Optical Emission Associated with Radio Jets and Hot Spots -- Cycle 0
Study of Optical Emission Associated with Radio Jets and Hot Spots -- Repeat for HOPR#0013
Study of Reed-Solomon correction for mass memory
Study of RF PACVD diamond like carbon coatings deposited at low bias for vacuum applications
Study of seasonal variation of winds in upper stratosphere over Hyderabad
Study of Several Potentials as Scalar Field Dark Matter Candidates
Study of solar system planetary lightning with LOFAR
Study of Stellar Populations in Interacting Systems of SBS Galaxies
Study of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering of Alizarin and Crystal Violet Dyes
Study of the air-sea interactions at the mesoscale: the SEMAPHORE experiment
Study of the behavior of dissolved silica in the estuary of the Scheldt
Study of the Correlations Between Long-Periodic Terrestrial Tides and Occurrence of Earthquakes in the Vrancea Site
Study of the cosmological evolution of viscoelastic matter with causal thermodynamics
Study of the distribution features and morphology of craters on Ganymede