Studies of Relativistic Effects with Radioastron Space Mission
Studies of southern planetary nebulae. I - Fluxes from bright planetary nebulae
Studies of southern planetary nebulae. II - Electron temperatures and densities
Studies of southern planetary nebulae. III - Chemical abundances
Studies of Substructure in Clusters of Galaxies: a Two-Dimensional Analysis
Studies of Substructure in Clusters of Galaxies: A Two-Dimensional Analysis
Studies of the correlation between the global radiation, ultraviolet radiation, cosmic radiation, sunspot number and meteorological parameters
Studies of the Cosmic Infrared Background with The Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF)
Studies of the mass spectrometer of the PALOMA instrument dedicated to Mars atmosphere analysis from a landed platform
Studies of the Structure and Evolution of Dissipationless Gravitating Systems.
Studies of the Virgo Cluster. II - A catalog of 2096 galaxies in the Virgo Cluster area.
Studies of Twin Supernovae with the Nearby Supernova Factory
Studies on evaluating and removing subsurface damage on the ground surface of CLEARCERAM-Z HS
Studies on neutrino Earth radiography
Studies on Order in Prebiological Systems at the Laboratory of Chemical Evolution
Studies on the use of boron as a paleoenvironmental indicator
Studies on `precarious rocks' in the epicentral area of the AD 1356 Basle earthquake, Switzerland
Studies with 'Purely Photometric' Supernovae from SDSS-II
Studio morfologico della cometa P/Swift-Tuttle durante l'apparizione del 1992.
Study and development of an achromatic phase shifter for nulling interferometry