There is at least one pair of double primes for any even number
Thirty-Six Unsolved Problems in Number Theory
Three beliefs that lend illusory legitimacy to Cantor's diagonal argument
Three Theorems on modular sieves that suggest the Prime Difference is O(Number of primes < (p(n)^1/2))
Three-dimensional compact manifolds and the Poincare conjecture
To Get Overall Shapes and New Data of the 120-Cell and the 600-Cell
To Prove Four Color Theorem
Topologically Fragmental Space and the Proof of Hadwiger's Conjecture
Towards a Hermeneutic Categorical Mathematics or why Category theory goes beyond Mathematical Structuralism
Towards a statistical proof of the Riemann Hypothesis
Towards commutator theory for relations
Towards commutator theory for relations. II
Towards commutator theory for relations. III
Transfinite partitions of Jordan curves
Transformations of Grassman Spaces
Triacontagonal coordinates for the E(8) root system
Triangle angles and sides in progression and the diophantine equation x^2+3y^2 =z^2
Triangle Area Numbers and Solid Rectangular Numbers
Triplets and Symmetries of Arithmetic mod p^k
Triplets of Tri-Homological Triangles