Ideal-quasi-Cauchy sequences
Identical and Nonidentical Relations. Nondegenerate and Degenerate Transformations. (Properties of skew-symmetric differential forms)
Identities for number series and their reciprocals: Dirac delta function approach
Identities of the Function f(x,y) = x^2 + y^3
Immediate Calculation of some Poisson Type Integrals Using Supermathematics Circular Ex-Centric Functions
Implementing the Law of Sines to solve SAS triangles
Implicit function density computation
Implicit Functions from Topological Vector Spaces to Banach Spaces
Improvement in Estimating Population Mean using Two Auxiliary Variables in Two-Phase Sampling
Improvement on a Central Theory of PDEs
Indefinite quadratic forms and the invariance of the interval in Special Relativity
Inequalities for Integer and Fractional Parts
Inevitable Infinite Branching in the Multiplication of Singularities
Infinite and natural numbers
Infinite classes of counter-examples to the Dempster's rule of combination
Infinite sequences in the framework of classical logic
Infinite sets are non-denumerable
Innerproduct Hyperspaces
Integer Algorithms to Solver Diophantine Linear Equations and Systems
Integer roots of quadratic and cubic polynomials with integer coefficients