p-Adic refinable functions and MRA-based wavelets
P-Quasi-Cauchy Sequences
PA is instantiationally complete, but algorithmically incomplete: An alternative interpretation of Goedelian incompleteness under Church's Thesis that links formal logic and computability
Palindromic permutations and generalized Smarandache palindromic permutations
Paraconsistent second order arithmetic Z#2 based on the paraconsistent logic LP# with infinite hierarchy levels of contradiction. Berry's and Richard's inconsistent numbers within Z#2
Paradox regained: Life beyond Goedel's shadow
Parallel bundles in planar map geometries
Parameter Estimation of Noise Corrupted Sinusoids
Parametric Evaluations of the Rogers Ramanujan Continued Fraction
Parastrophic invariance of Smarandache quasigroups
Partial Ordering of Hyper-powersets and Matrix Representation of Belief Functions within DSmT
Partition of a Set Which Contains an Infinite Arithmetic (Respectively Geometric) Progression
Pascal Pyramids, Pascal Hyper-Pyramids and a Bilateral Multinomial Theorem
Pascal's Hexagon Theorem implies a Butterfly Theorem in the Complex Projective Plane
Pauli Pascal Pyramids, Pauli Fibonacci Numbers, and Pauli Jacobsthal Numbers
Periodic continued fractions and hyperelliptic curves
Periodic functions with variable period
Physical Constraints of Numbers
Physical interpretation of the Riemann hypothesis
Play Ground for Victor's Magic Squares