L'indice de Maslov dans les $JB^*$-triples
L-Fuzzy Semi-Preopen Operator in L-Fuzzy Topological Spaces
La cometa di Goldbach e ... le altre
La Derivada del Coseno
Large semilattices of breadth three
Lattice Basis and Entropy
Lattice Option Pricing By Multidimensional Interpolation
Lattice points on the plane ax+by+cz=d and the diophantine system ax+by+cz=d ex+fy+gz=h
Lattices which can be represented as lattices of intervals
Le cryptosysteme non-commutatif
Learning a Machine for the Decision in a Partially Observable Markov Universe
Lectures on Linear Algebra over Division Ring
Leibniz's Definition of Monad
Less than $2^/omega$ many translates of a compact nullset may cover the real line
Lifting retracted diagrams with respect to projectable functors
Liftings of diagrams of semilattices by diagrams of dimension groups
Limits and the system of near-numbers
Linear Equation in Finite Dimensional Algebra
Linear parameterization of group GL(N, C)
Linearization of the inverse conductivity problem