Embedding simple commutative monoids into simple refinement monoids
Empirical Study in Finite Correlation Coefficient in Two Phase Estimation
Equations in a free group. Elementary theory
Erlang's loss function and a property of the exponential function
Erlangen Program at Large--2: Inventing a wheel. The parabolic one
Erlangen Program at Large-0: Starting with the group SL(2,R)
Essential variables and positions in terms
Estimation of Mean in Presence of Non Response Using Exponential Estimator
Euclid's Number-Theoretical Work
Euclidean geometry as algorithm for construction of generalized geometries
Euler sums and a prime numbers conundrum
Evaluating the exact infinitesimal values of area of Sierpinski's carpet and volume of Menger's sponge
Evaluation of Fifth Degree Elliptic Singular Moduli
Evaluation of Functional Integrals by means of series and the method of Borel transform
Evaluations of Derivatives of Jacobi Theta Functions in the origin
Evaluations of Ramanujan Continued Fractions
Eventological theory of decision making for stock markets
Every transcendental operator has a non-trivial invariant subspace
Existence and Number of Solutions of Diophantine Quadratic Equations with Two Unknowns in $Z$ and $N$
Existence of a Limiting Distribution for the Binary GCD Algorithm