Degree of Negation of an Axiom
Density preserving functions
Derivation of the Euler-Rodrigues formula for three-dimensional rotations from the general formula for four-dimensional rotations
Des nombres infiniment petits et des entiers infiniment grands mais définis à l'unité près
Descartes' Rule of Signs by an Easy Induction
Design of Optimal Regulators
Deterministic Elaboration of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Relation
Dickson's conjecture on $Z^n$--An equivalent form of Green-Tao's conjecture
Difference Problems and Differential Problems
Different representations of Euclidean geometry and their application to the space-time geometry
Differential Calculus, Manifolds and Lie Groups over Arbitrary Infinite Fields
Differentially Transcendental Functions
Differentiating polynomials, and zeta(2)
Différentielles non commutatives et théorie de Galois différentielle ou aux différences
Difficulties with Learning and Teaching Calculus
Diophantine and Non-Diophantine Arithmetics: Operations with Numbers in Science and Everyday Life
Direct decompositions of non-algebraic complete lattices
Discontinuity and Involutions on Countable Sets
Discrete Euclidian Spaces: a starting point toward the discretization of mathematics
Discrete multivariate distributions