Collective Property of Numbers and Its Mathematical Refutation
Combinatorial Speculations and the Combinatorial Conjecture for Mathematics
Combinatorial Structure of Manifolds with Poincaré Conjecture
Comments on a recent item by Yu I Manin
Comments to Neutrosophy
Compactable semilattices
Complete proper minimal surfaces in convex bodies of $R^3$
Composition and exponential of compactly supported generalized integral kernel operators
Computable counter-examples to the Brouwer fixed-point theorem
Computational Exploration of Investor Utilities Underlying a Portfolio Insurance Strategy
Concerning Riemann Hypothesis
Conditional probability of actually detecting a financial fraud - a neutrosophic extension to Benford's law
Cone Normed Linear Spaces
Congruence amalgamation of lattices
Congruence lattices of free lattices in non-distributive varieties
Conjectures on Partitions of Integers as Summations of Primes
Considerations on New Functions in Number Theory
Consistency Spaces
Constructing a quadrilateral inside another one
Contact geometry and the Poincaré conjecture