Bilateral binomial duplication formula
Biring of Matrices
Blueprint for a Classic Proof of the Four Colour Theorem
Bounds on the cardinality of partition
Brief Lecture Notes on Self-Referential Mathematics, and Beyond
Brief Notes on Sheaves Theory
Brief Research Notes on Transformation of Series and Special Functions
Broccoli Reduces The Risk of Splenetic Fever! The use of induction and falsifiability in statistics and model selection
Calculating (\int_0^\infty(sin^2n x)/x^2n dx)
Can Laplace's formula model a deterministic universe that is irreducibly probabilistic?
Can our number system be improved?
Can Turing machines capture everything we can compute?
Can we express every transfinite concept constructively?
Can We Prove Goldbach's Conjecture?
Cantor versus Cantor
Certain Properties of Pythagorean Triangles involving the interior diameter, and the exterior diameters
Chebyshev Partition function: A connection between Statistical Physics and Riemann Hypothesis
Claims On Primorial Primes
Clifford Algebras, Clifford Groups, and a Generalization of the Quaternions
Collatz Problem of Positive Integers