Banishing divergence Part 1: Infinite numbers as the limit of sequences of real numbers
Banishing divergence Part 2: Limits of oscillatory sequences, and applications
Bases of Solutions for Linear Congruences
Basic Fourier series: convergence on and outside the q-linear grid
Basic Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures and their Application to Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Models
Basic Properties Of Second Smarandache Bol Loops
Bernoulli numbers and solitons
Bernoulli Operator and Riemann's Zeta Function
Bernoulli-Taylor formula for psi-umbral difference calculus
Bernoulli-Taylor formula in the case of Q-umbral Calculus
Beyond Chaos
Beyond Complex Numbers
Beyond Goedel : Simply consistent constructive systems of first order Peano's Arithmetic that do not yield undecidable propositions by Goedel's reasoning
Beyond Topologies, Part I
Beyond Uncountable
Beyond Undecidable
Bialgebraic Structures and Smarandache Bialgebraic Structures
Bifurcating Continued Fractions
Bifurcating Continued Fractions II
Bijections and metric spaces induced by some collective properties of concave Young-functions