Another Set of Sequences, Sub-Sequences, and Sequences of Sequences
Antinomies of Mathematical Reason: The Inconsistency of PM Arithmetic and Related Systems
AP Theory II:Intrinsic 4D Quantum YM Theory with Mass Gap
AP Theory III: Cone-like Graded SUSY, Dynamic Dark Energy and the YM Millenium Problem
AP Theory IV: Intrinsic Topological Quantum Langlands Theory
Apology of Euclid
Applications of Bimatrices to some Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Models
Applications of Wallis Theorem
Archimedean Type Conditions in Categories
Are there parts of our arithmetical competence that no sound formal system can duplicate?
Around the Chinese Remainder Theorem
Asymptotic approximation of degenerate fiber integrals
Asymptotically periodic L^2 minimizers in strongly segregating diblock copolymers
Atanassov's Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ideals of Gamma Semigroups
Automorphic equivalence of one-sorted algebras
Automorphism groups of maps, surfaces and Smarandache geometries
Automorphisms and Enumeration of Maps of Cayley Graph of a Finite Group
Automorphisms of the category of free Lie algebras
Automorphisms of the semigroup of all endomorphisms of free algebras
Backward Optimized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit