An arguable addition to the standard Deduction Theorems of first order theories
An arguable inconsistency in ZF
An Astronomical View-point on the Easter Date
An Axiomatization of Realities
An Elementary Proof by the Heegaard Splittings of the 3-Dimentional Poincare Conjecture
An elementary proof of the robustness of the linear hyperbolic flows
An elementary proof of the uniqueness of the solutions of linear odes
An elementary proof that P =/= NP
An elementary sieve
An equation satisfied by all non-trivial zeros $ρ$ of the Riemann zeta function $ζ$
An equivalent form of Young's inequality with upper bound
An equivalent problem to the Twin Prime Conjecture
An Ergodic Result
An euclidean affine invariant of quadrilaterals
An Exact Exprsssion of Pi(x)
An explicit formula for Pi(x) in the form of a sum over the Non-trivial zeros of the Riemann Zeta function
An Explicit Formula for the Matrix Logarithm
An exposition of results of Fricke
An extension of the classical derivative
An extension of the Eilenberg - Mac Lane concept of category in the case of nonrigid structures