The Reconstruction of Graphs
The Relationship Between a Function, a Functions Inverse, and their Antiderivatives with an Emphasis in Finding Exact Roots with the Technique of Integration
The Riemann Hypothesis
The Riemann hypothesis - an elementary analytic approach based on complex Laplace transform
The Riemann Hypothesis and the Nontrivial Zeros of the General L-Functions
The Riemann Hypothesis is Unprovable
The second part of on duality triads' paper
The Set of Prime Numbers
The Seventeen Elements of Pythagorean Triangles
The significance of Nathanson's 'boss' factor in legitimising Aristotle's particularisation: Why we need to revise current interpretations of Cantor's, Goedel's, Turing's and Tarski's formal reasoning
The simplest and fastest method of solving Exact Differential Equation by developing the idea of Basic Functions
The Square of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map equals minus Laplacian
The structure of tame minimal dynamical systems
The Theory of Ultralogics Part I
The Theory of Ultralogics Part II
The Topological Structure of Question Theory
The Triangular Theorem of the Primes: Binary Quadratic Forms and Primitive Pythagorean Triples
The uniform order convergence structure on ML(X)
The velocity translation in the game of "Life"
The wave equation on static singular space-times