Weyl-Heisenberg Frames, Translation Invariant Systems and the Walnut Representation
What does a generic Markov operator look like
When and how an error yields a Dirichlet form
When each continuous operator is regular, II
When every multilinear mapping is multiple summing
When every polynomial is unconditionally converging
When is a family of generalized means a scale?
When is f(x_1, x_2, . . ., x_n)=u_1(x_1)+u_2(x_2)+ . . . +u_n(x_n)?
When is hyponormality for 2-variable weighted shifts invariant under powers?
When is the Haar measure a Pietsch measure for nonlinear mappings?
When unit groups of continuous inverse algebras are regular Lie groups
Which subnormal Toeplitz operators are either normal or analytic?
Which weighted composition operators are complex symmetric?
Whitney coverings and the tent spaces $T^{1,q}(γ)$ for the Gaussian measure
Widths of embeddings in weighted function spaces
Widths of embeddings of 2-microlocal Besov spaces
Wiener Amalgam Spaces for the Fundmental Identity of Gabor Analysis
Wiener Amalgam Spaces with respect to Quasi-Banach Spaces
Wiener's Lemma for Infinite Matrices II
Wiener-Hopf determinants with Fisher-Hartwig symbols