Tent spaces and Littlewood-Paley $g$-functions associated with Bergman spaces in the unit ball of $\mathbb{C}^n$
Tent Spaces Associated with Semigroups of Operators
Test Functions in Constrained Interpolation
Test Functions, Kernels, Realizations and Interpolation
Test functions, Schur-Agler classes and transfer-function realizations: the matrix-valued setting
Test-space characterizations of some classes of Banach spaces
The $H^{\infty}-$calculus and sums of closed operators
The $M$-ideal structure of some algebras of bounded linear operators
The $p$-Daugavet property for function spaces
The $p$-harmonic boundary and $D_p$-massive subsets of a graph of bounded degree
The $p$-harmonic boundary for quasi-isometric graphs and manifolds
The $\ell ^{1}$-index of Tsirelson type spaces
The 2-concavification of a Banach lattice equals the diagonal of the Fremlin tensor square
The algebra generated by idempotents in a Fourier-Stieltjes algebra
The algebra of harmonic functions for a matrix-valued transfer operator
The Algebraic Structure of Finitely Generated $L^{0}(\mathcal{F},K)$-Modules and the Helly Theorem in Random Normed Modules
The Alternative Daugavet Property of $C^*$-algebras and $JB^*$-triples
The Amalgamation Property in Classical Lebesgue-Riesz Spaces, Banach Spaces with Transitive and Almost Transitive Norms and Projection Constants
The Amemiya-Ando conjecture falls
The amenability constant of the Fourier algebra