Sharp weak type inequalities for the dyadic maximal operator
Sharp weighted $L^p$ estimates for spectral multipliers
Sharpening a result by E.B. Davies and B. Simon
Sharpness of some properties of Wiener amalgam and modulation spaces
Shearlet frames with short support
Shearlets and Optimally Sparse Approximations
Shearlets on Bounded Domains
Sheaves of nonlinear generalized functions and manifold-valued distributions
Shell Model Two Body Matrix Elements Calculations for the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay of 48Ca
Shell theories arising as low energy Γ-limit of 3d nonlinear elasticity
Shift invariant preduals of $\ell_1(\Z)$
Shift Operators Contained in Contractions, Pseudocontinuable Schur Functions and Orthogonal Systems on the Unit Circle
Short Proof of Dirichlet's Principle
Short proofs of theorems of Mirsky and Horn on diagonals and eigenvalues of matrices
Sigma-porosity is separably determined
Similarity of operators and geometry of eigenvector bundles
Similarity of Operators in the Bergman Space Setting
Similarity to an isometry of composition operators on the half-plane
Simplicial cohomology of augmentation ideals in ${\ell}^1(G)$
Simplicial cohomology of band semigroup algebras