Scattered Data Interpolation on Embedded Submanifolds with Restricted Positive Definite Kernels: Sobolev Error Estimates
Schatten $p$ class commutators on the weighted Bergman space $L^2_a (\mathbb{B}_n, dv_γ)$ for $\frac{2n}{n + 1 + γ} < p < \infty$
Schatten class Fourier Integral Operators
Schatten p-norm inequalities related to a characterization of inner product spaces
Schatten p-norm inequalities related to an extended operator parallelogram law
Schauder Bases and Operator Theory
Schauder Bases and Operator Theory II: (SI) Schauder Operators
Schauder Bases and Operator Theory III: Schauder Spectrums
Schoenberg's Problem on Positive Definite Functions
Schrödinger operators with boundary singularities: Hardy inequality, Pohozaev identity and controllability results
Schroedinger and elliptic operators with distributional coefficients on a bounded domain
Schur and operator multipliers
Schur functions and their realizations in the slice hyperholomorphic setting
Schur multipliers and operator-valued Foguel-Hankel operators
Schur parameters, Toeplitz matrices, and Kreĭn shorted operators
Schur-Agler class rational inner functions on the tridisk
Schwartz families in tempered distribution spaces
Schwartz functions, tempered distributions, and Kernel Theorem on solvable Lie groups
Schwartz Linear operators in distribution spaces
Second derivative test for isometric embeddings in $L_p$