Spectral radius of Hadamard product versus conventional product for non-negative matrices
Spectral reciprocity and matrix representations of unbounded operators
Spectral sets for locally bounded operators
Spectral shift function of higher order
Spectral shorted operators
Spectral Stieltjes-Type Integration and Some Applications
Spectral theory for commutative algebras of differential operators on Lie groups
Spectrum as the Support of Functional Calculus
Spectrum of a weakly hypercyclic operator meets the unit circle
Spectrum of the Direct Sum of Operators
Spectrum of the product of Toeplitz matrices with application in probability
Spectrums of equivalent Schauder operators
Spherical harmonic analysis on affine buildings
Spherical means in annular regions in the $n$-dimensional real hyperbolic spaces
Spherical Means in Odd Dimensions and EPD equations
Spherical reflection positivity and the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality
Spreading Models in Banach Space Theory
Spreading models in the duals of Schlumprecht-type spaces
Square Root Problem of Kato for the Sum of Operators
SSDB spaces and maximal monotonicity