Some strongly bounded classes of Banach spaces
Some supports of Fourier transforms of singular measures are not Rajchman
Some techniques on nonlinear analysis and applications
Some translation-invariant Banach function spaces which contain $c_0$
Some universal constructions in abstract topological dynamics
Spaceability in Banach and quasi-Banach sequence spaces
Spaceability in sets of operators on $C(K)$
Spaceability of sets of nowhere $L^q$ functions
Spaces between $H^1$ and $L^1$
Spaces not containing $\ell_1$ have weak aproximate fixed point property
Spaces of continuous functions over Dugundji compacta
Spaces of functions with countably many discontinuities
Spaces Of Lipschitz Functions On Banach Spaces
Spaces of operator-valued functions measurable with respect to the strong operator topology
Spaces of variable smoothness and integrability: Characterizations by local means and ball means of differences
Spaces with a Finite Family of Basic Functions
Spanning and independence properties of frame partitions
Sparse quadratic forms and their geometric applications (after Batson, Spielman and Srivastava)
Sparse Regularization with $l^q$ Penalty Term
Sparse Representations for Structured Noise Filtering