Some further remarks on good sets
Some Geometric and Topological Properties of a New Sequence Space Defined by De la Vallee-Poussin Mean
Some identification problems for integro-differential operator equations
Some identities for determinants of structured matrices
Some implications of Lebesgue decomposition
Some improvements on the constants for the real Bohnenblust-Hille inequality
Some inequalities for $(α, β)$-normal operators in Hilbert spaces
Some more weak Hilbert spaces
Some necessary and some sufficient conditions for the compactness of the embedding of weighted Sobolev spaces
Some new characterizations of Banach spaces containing $\ell^1$
Some new classes of complex symmetric operators
Some new moment rearrangement invariant spaces; theory and applications
Some new properties of composition operators associated with lens maps
Some new thin sets of integers in Harmonic Analysis
Some Notes on the paper "The Equivalence of Cone Metric Spaces and Metric Spaces"
Some properties of (C,E,P)-algebras : Overgneration and 0-order estimates
Some properties of generalized higher-order convexity
Some properties of space of compact operators
Some properties of the D'Alembert functions of celestial mechanics. IV
Some properties of the solutions of obstacle problems with measure data