Some automorphism invariance properties for multicontractions
Some Boas-Bellman Type Inequalities in 2-Inner Product Spaces
Some characterizations of the automorphisms of $B(H)$ and $C(X)$
Some classes of rational functions and related Banach spaces
Some common fixed points results on metric spaces over topological modules
Some computable Wiener-Hopf determinants and polynomials orthogonal on an arc of the unit circle
Some Conditions for Existence and Integrability of the Fourier Transform
Some conditions implying normality of operators
Some conjectures about integral means of $\partial f$ and $\bar{\partial} f$
Some critical point theorems and applications
Some deviation inequalities
Some directional microlocal classes defined using wavelet transforms
Some dynamical properties for linear operators
Some equations relating multiwavelets and multiscaling functions
Some equivalence relations which are Borel reducible to isomorphism between separable Banach spaces
Some estimates of the Bergman kernel of minimal bounded homogeneous domains
Some examples of compact composition operators on $H^2$
Some examples of matrix-valued orthogonal functions having a differential and an integral operator as eigenfunctions
Some Fractional Functional Inequalities and Applications to Some Constrained Minimization Problems Involving a Local Non-linearity
Some functional forms of Blaschke-Santaló inequality