Random Series of Trace Class Operators
Random sets of isomorphism of linear operators on Hilbert space
Randomized series and Geometry of Banach spaces
Range of Berezin Transform
Rank one perturbations and singular integral operators
Rank properties of exposed positive maps
Rank-One Decomposition of Operators and Construction of Frames
Rapid computation of the Voigt profile
Rate of Convergence Estimates for Random Polarizations on R^d
Rate of decay of s-numbers
Rates of asymptotic regularity for Halpern iterations of nonexpansive mappings
Rational hyperholomorphic functions in (\mathbb R^4)
Rational inner functions in the Schur-Agler class of the polydisk
Real algebraic geometry, moment problems and multivariate tight wavelet frames
Real analytic approximation of Lipschitz functions on Hilbert space and other Banach spaces
Real analytic approximations which almost preserve Lipschitz constants of functions defined on the Hilbert space
Real analytic expansion of spectral projection and extension of Hecke-Bochner identity
Real Analytic Generalized Functions
Real and complex operator ideals
Real and complex operator norms