On a question of Niels Grønbaek
On a relation between intrinsic and extrinsic Dirichlet forms for interacting particle systems
On a result of Levin and Stečkin
On a reverse form of the Brascamp-Lieb inequality
On a Toeplitz determinant identity of Borodin and Okounkov
On a variant of Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality deduced from Hardy
On a variant of Tartar's first commutation lemma
On a vector-valued Hopf-Dunford-Schwartz lemma
On a weak type (1,1) inequality for a maximal conjugate function
On Absolutely Minimizing Lipschitz Extensions and PDE $Δ_infty = 0$
On affine selections of set-valued functions
On algebraic properties of sets of Banach ideal function spaces
On algebras of holomorphic functions of a given type
On Almost-Invariant Subspaces and Approximate Commutation
On an Application of Hypoellipticity to Solutions of Functional Equations
On an assertion about Nash--Moser applications
On an extension of the Blaschke-Santalo inequality
On an inequality of A.~Grothendieck concerning operators on $L^1$
On an Interior Compactness of One Homogeneous Boundary Value Problem
On an Interpolation Problem for J-Potapov Functions