Operators with extension property and the principle of local reflexivity
Optimal Convergence Rates for Tikhonov Regularization in Besov Scales
Optimal Decompositions of Translations of $L^{2}$-functions
Optimal domain for the Hardy operator
Optimal dual frames and frame completions for majorization
Optimal frames and Newton's method
Optimal growth of frequently hypercyclic entire functions
Optimal limiting embeddings for $Δ$-reduced Sobolev spaces in $L^1$
Optimal lower bounds on the maximal p-negative type of finite metric spaces
Optimal polynomial decay of functions and operator semigroups
Optimal reconstruction systems for erasures and for the q-potential
Optimal regularization processes on complete Riemannian manifolds
Optimal solutions to matrix-valued Nehari problems and related limit theorems
Optimal weak type estimates for dyadic-like maximal operators
Optimal Young's inequality and its converse:a simple proof
Orbital theories of outer planet satellites
Orbits in symmetric spaces
Orbits in symmetric spaces, II
Orbits of linear operators and Banach space geometry
Orbits of non-elliptic disc automorphisms